It looks like ransom negotiations between the LockBit gang and Boeing have broken down.

On the 29th October, I posted about LockBit’s compromise of Boeing and the short timescale for ransom payments. Then on the 1st, the Boeing entry on LockBit’s site was removed – indicating the probable start of negotiations.

Well, it looks like those negotiations have failed, as the Boeing entry is back up, with a re-started timer and a list of the 1st set of leaks which are due to be published.

The entry which appeared yesterday on LockBit’s Dark Web site states that Boeing ignored the gangs warnings, and that they have a batch of files amounting to 4GB, and a set of databases which will be leaked on the 13th unless Boeing comply with the gangs demands.

Shimano update

In other LockBit news, I posted earlier that LockBit had compromised Japanese gearing manufacturer Shimano and had given them until the 5th November to pay the ransom. It is now apparent that Shimano refused the demands, as LockBit have now published all stolen data on their leak site.