Energy One, a provider of software solutions to the wholesale energy market disabled a number of vital services late last week after it became aware of a cyber attack on its network.

The company provides many software solutions including:

  • Commodities trading
  • 24/7 outsourced operations
  • Power and gas scheduling services
  • Autonomous Energy and auction bidding
  • Battery operations
  • Pipeline operations

Based in Australia, the company provides its services across the globe, with customers in the Asia-Pacific, Europe and UK markets.

UK networks affected

Energy One services several European customers from its UK offices, which are based in Solihull on the outskirts of Birmingham.

Some of its UK customers include global power generation firm InterGen (facilities in Australia and the UK), Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), Good Energy and Crown Commercial Service (CCS).

The cyber attack discovered by Energy One has affected certain corporate systems in Australia and the UK according to a statement issued on Friday 21st August.

The statement issued by Energy One announcing the cyber attack

Incident response

To try to prevent the attack propagating throughout the network, Energy One took steps to isolate affected systems from the wider network – this included some links between the corporate network and external, customer-facing systems.

As part of the forensic investigation into this latest supply-chain attack, Energy One are also trying to identify if any customer networks have also been impacted.

Energy One have engaged cyber security specialists from CyberCX, who operate in the UK and Australia along with sending notifications of the attack to the Australian Cyber Security Centre, and the UK NCSC.