The University of West Scotland has been targeted with a cyber attack which caused disruption to both phone lines and its website.

The attack which started on the 3rd July, has caused the University website to be taken offline for a few days. Portions of the website are still offline, whilst other areas are back up and running. disruption

Unknown attackers

At the time of writing, the University has not reveled much about the attack, only that they are working closely with Police Scotland, The NCSC , and the Scottish Government. It is unknown if any sensitive data was accessed during the attack, or whether it was a ransomware attack or not.

So far, no threat actors have claimed the attack.

Students unaffected

Whilst the disruption is still ongoing, the University has confirmed that the attack will not disrupt the graduation ceremonies due to occur next week, and that students should still attend as planned.

The University has also launched a new area of the website for those prospective students going through through the clearing process, so that admissions are also unaffected.

University of West Scotland – Paisley campus