Yesterday (27/04/23), Google released their latest set of statistics revealing how much work they do to ensure Internet users have a safe, enjoyable time whilst online.

In their latest security blog, Google reveal how they fought Bad Apps and Bad Actors in 2022.

Some of the headline statistics include:

  • Preventing 1.43 million policy-violating apps from being published on Google Play
  • Banning 173,000 bad developer accounts
  • Preventing over USD $2 Billion in fraudulent & abusive transactions
  • Preventing ~500,000 apps from unnecessarily accessing sensitive permissions over the past 3 years

Not all about bans

The post also makes reference to the work Google undertook with developers to help make their apps more secure and that they helped developers fix ~500K security weaknesses affecting ~300K apps with a combined install base of approximately 250B installs.

Google have also spent much time working with developers to ensure their apps work on the latest versions of Android and can take advantage of the various security features in the newer OS.

In other work, Google have implemented a new Data Safety section of the Play store to give users more clarity on how their app data is being collected, shared, and protected, and in 2002 was the 1st app store to recognise apps that complete an independent security review.