Back at the beginning of April, I posted about an attack on the Canadian company Indigo perpetrated by LockBit. In that same post, I mentioned that it wasn’t the 1st attack on a Canadian organisation, and that an affiliate working for LockBit had also been responsible for an attack on the SickKids hospital.

That attack apparently went against LockBit’s moral code and that they had made a public apaology to SickKids and offered the decryptor for free so that the organisation could recover all their ransomed files.

Well it looks like it’s happened again.

History repeating

Yesterday (26th April 2023), LockBit admins made a public apology on their website to the owners of – a children’s daycare centre which had recently been targeted by their ransomware .

Currently the website of the day care is offline and returning a 404 error, so it looks like they have yet to recover from the attack even though they have been given the decryptor keys.

Maybe this black hats heart isn’t so black after-all?