Twitter user @Owen_Yin has managed to grab some screen shots of an upcoming update for Microsoft’s search engine Bing, which seems to replace the traditional search-box with a Natural Language Interface.

Considering the fact that Microsoft has just announced an investment strategy into ChatGPT rumoured to be close to $10B USD and has already announced that ChatGPT will be available in a “premium” version of Teams – it seems to follow that using ChatGPT in Bing is just round the corner.

The Microsoft Teams Premium service will be available from June 2023 to users at (USD)$7 /mth which will then increase to (USD)$10 from July 2023.

Nicole Herskowitz – Vice President, Microsoft Teams said:

“As part of this continuous innovation, I’m excited to share that Microsoft Teams Premium is generally available. Built on the familiar, all-in-one collaborative experience of Microsoft Teams, Teams Premium brings the latest technologies, including Large Language Models powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, to make meetings more intelligent, personalized, and protected—whether it’s one-on-one, large meetings, virtual appointments, or webinars.”

Nicole Herskowitz – Vice President, Microsoft Teams

Meet The New Bing

@Owen_Yin managed to grab some screen shots and video of the new platform before the code was taken back down.

Bing’s ChatGPT integration will be called the new Bing and is positioned as an evolution of the search engine.

Bing with Natural Language Interface

Microsoft are asking you to think of the new Bing as “a research assistant, personal planner, and creative partner at your side. “

The integration will be powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, a faster version of ChatGPT.

Research will be much easier

Currently, ChatGPT is trained on a data set which was collected from the Internet up to 2021, The integration with Bing will see the bot updated with current information.

When you ask the new Bing a question, you will have a input field capable of 1000 characters which will allow for you to provide context, specific instructions, or list examples.

The new Bing will then compile the results and write a summary for you, highlight particular phrases and cite where it got that information from, allowing you to verify the claim.

The New Bing results with cited sources

Natural question flows

Because the new Bing is powered by ChatGPT, you will have the ability to ask follow-on, related questions in a natural manner. The system will also respond with question prompts for you too.

A search engine, or a person?

Traditional results or chatbot options

The results of a search will still be displayed in the traditional manner, but there will be a secondary tab for you to use which will operate in the way ChatGPT currently does.

The New Bing with added Chat

When will it be available?

Currently the system is only being tested, but once the feature is live, you can join the wait-list at You’ll get an email when you’ve been granted access. However, expect delays to this as Microsoft and OpenAI scale their servers to cope with expected demand.

Maybe this will be the time when people finally start using Bing as a true alternative to Google?

Bing “Open for business everyone, c’mon in, it’s awesome in here…”