Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. From healthcare to transportation, AI is being used to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and make decision-making faster and more accurate.

In this blog, I will explore some of the ways that AI is being used and how it is benefiting society.


One area where AI is having a major impact is in the healthcare industry. AI-powered systems are being used to analyze medical images, such as X-rays and MRIs, to detect abnormalities and assist with diagnoses. This can help reduce the risk of misdiagnosis and improve patient outcomes. AI is also being used to analyze electronic health records to identify patterns and predict potential health issues, allowing healthcare providers to take preventative measures.


Another area where AI is making a difference is in the transportation industry. Autonomous vehicles, such as self-driving cars and trucks, are being developed and tested with the goal of reducing accidents and improving the efficiency of transportation. AI is also being used in logistics to optimize delivery routes and reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

Customer Service

AI is also being used to improve customer service in a variety of industries. Chatbots, which are AI-powered virtual assistants, can handle a large volume of customer inquiries and provide quick and accurate responses. This allows businesses to handle a larger volume of customer interactions without the need for additional staff.


In the financial sector, AI is being used to analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and make more accurate investment decisions. It is also being used to detect and prevent fraud, as well as to automate various processes such as risk assessment and loan underwriting.


AI is also being used in the field of education to personalize learning experiences and provide individualized support to students. AI-powered tutoring systems can provide customized lessons and exercises based on a student’s strengths and weaknesses, while adaptive learning platforms can adjust the difficulty of material based on a student’s progress.

The bad bits

One concern that is often raised about AI is the potential for job displacement. While it is true that AI can automate certain tasks, it also has the potential to create new job opportunities in fields such as data science and machine learning. In addition, as AI systems become more advanced, there will be a need for people to design, maintain, and improve them.

The good bits

Another potential benefit of AI is its ability to assist with tasks that are hazardous or difficult for humans to perform. For example, AI is being used in the military to operate drones and perform other tasks that would be dangerous for humans to do. It is also being used in disaster response and search and rescue operations to locate and assist people in need.

AI has the potential to improve many aspects of our lives and make them more efficient and convenient. However, it is important to carefully consider the ethical implications of AI and to ensure that its development and use align with our values and goals as a society. As we continue to explore the possibilities of AI, it will be important to strike a balance between the benefits it offers and the potential risks and challenges it presents.

The truth.

I didn’t write this blog…

I just edited it by adding some headings, and adding this bit at the bottom.

To create this blog (whilst sat in a hotel watching Top Gear on Dave), I asked an Artificial Intelligence system to write a 800 word blog on the usefulness of Artificial Intelligence. And you’ve just read its response…

Using ChatGPT to write this blog

The system I used was chatGPT – a system developed by OpenAI – an AI research company who is conducting research and development into AI systems which can benefit all of humanity.

I’ve been playing with ChatGPT for a week or so, and have been pretty amazed with it’s capability. I started by just asking simple questions and was pretty impressed with how it replied, but where it really comes alive is when you engage it it a conversation. It is simply mindblowing.

I really suggest you give it a go. Ask it questions which you know a lot about, so you can gauge how accurate its responses are. It’s not perfect, but its pretty damn close.

As you would expect, the system is constantly learning. I introduced one of my work colleagues to the platform the other day, and he asked it a fairly tricky question which the response was slightly incorrect. He informed the AI system of its error and it replied with a response which was pretty breath taking…

ChatGPT correcting itself

So is this the end of creative writing?

No, I don’t think so. An AI system is only as good as the data it uses. People still have to produce the data which the AI looks at.

Is this the end of jobs such as mine – Educating people?

Again, I think the answer is no, but what I believe is that jobs like mine will be made much easier.

Using an AI system such as ChatGPT to quickly build snippets of information which can be weaved into a set of interactive, hands-on labs will be very useful for me. I believe that there will be a gradual amalgamation of AI derived content into my work, but I still think we are a long way off full replacement of instructors and teachers.

What I 100% believe though, is that AI will have a place, we need to get used to the fact that it will impact on our lives – hopefully in good ways